- Bystack Roadshow Beijing station ended! Founder of Bytom Changjia、Bytom CFO Li Zongcheng and BBFT inventor Wang Wei introduced the vision、Staking scheme as well as technical architecture.
Chang Jia shared his views in “Bystack development vision” that all assets are data. Data includes assets(object) and operation of assets(rules). There are only assets on Bytom while assets and rules will be built on Bystack.
2. Bytom CFO Li Zongcheng clarified the specific rules about Bystack Block Producer recruitment. There will be 10 official Block Producers and 32 Standby Block Producers. Bytom foundation will donate 10 million BTM to this ecosystem and we will start early bird voting on July 5th.
3. The director of tech and operation Zhong Lifei introduced the Bytom Dev Competition. We will provide incubation and investment for those excellent projects as well as media exposure.
4. Bystack Block Producer Recruitment: Now Cobo wallet、Bepal wallet、 Math wallet、BigOne and other institutions have participated in Bystack Block Producer election. For details: https://www.bystack.com/en/
5. Hardware、software and network requirements:
If you want to consult configuration, please contact zhonglf@bytom.io