In the second half of 2018, more and more traditional developers have been in the blockchain development industry. At the beginning, beginners learned about smart contract and Hyperledger, and they couldn’t help wondering:apart from Token, what is the difference between the development of blockchain Dapp and traditional APP?
How to put the learned blockchain technology into the development of blockchain?Bytom organizes Global Dev Competitions and series of urban activities, taking Bytom own experience and the sharing of industry excellent cases as the content, and builds a platform for the blockchain enthusiasts to fully communicate and promote the application of blockchain technology, and promote the healthy and rational development of the blockchain industry.
On September 2, hosted by Bytom Team, undertook by HiBlock blockchain community, Bytom Global Dev Competition series of activities in Shenzhen city held successfully, Bytom technical operation manager Zhong Lifei technology, Bytom core developers Ma Yaoyao , founder of Deng chain technology Xiong Libing, JEX technology VP Yang Wen 4 guest to the scene to share blockchain technology, and communicate with nearly 100 blockchain developers and fans.
With the theme of “Smart Contract Will Blockchainize the World — Innovative Thought Under Blockchain”, this activity returns to the essence of blockchain technology, shared mature development experience of Bytom, and guided the development practice of blockchain enthusiasts. On the topic sharing, zhong lifei, the technical operation manager of Bytom, started with a brief discussion on the Bytom BUTXO model, and explained the innovative BUTXO system model and its principle through the practical experience of Bytom.
It is well known that the transaction model for bitcoin is different from the general account-centric model, where transactions are based on unspent output (UTXO). There is no concept of balance in bitcoin, only UTXO dispersed into the blockchain. Bytom references the idea of bitcoin UTXO, but innovated to solve specific problems, thus becoming another system.
Bytom needs to satisfy multiple asset interaction scenarios, so you need to support multiple assets from the underlying, and an Assert ID field exists in BUTXO over Bytom to mark what type of asset is.
In a broad sense, BUTXO is divided into upper input and upper output and the hash value of the kernel. The upper input and output represent transactions, while the hash value in the kernel is used for verification. In a narrow sense, BUTXO refers to the hash value in the kernel.
In the sharing, Zhong explained in detail the building ideas and practical details of buxo, and made plans for the future development.
Then Bytom core developers Ma Yaoyao shared“ How Byotm P2P Network Efficiently Work”, explained the peer-to-peer network communication protocol, shared the data encryption, network sync protocol in detail, node discovery protocol, fast sync protocol, the SPV agreement on the concept and development of the specific agreement, and explain Bytom as the case in detail.
In the end,Xiong Libin and Yang Wen shared《How to understand DAPP development in a hour》and 《About CI/CD》 to share the theme of DApp development.
Bytom Blockchain Protocol (hereinafter referred as Bytom) is an interactive protocol of multiple byteassets. Heterogeneous byte-assets (indigenous digital currency, digital assets) that operate in different forms on the Bytom Blockchain and atomic assets (warrants, securities, dividends, bonds, intelligence information, forecasting information and other information that exist in the physical world) can be registered, exchanged, gambled and engaged in other more complicated and contract-based interoperations via Bytom.
Shenzhen Station is one of Bytom Global Dev Competition series of city activities.Bytom Global Dev Competition has been on since August 11th and the preliminary will end in August 1st.You can submit your productions through online sign-up and participate in the final if you pass audit.The reward of the whole activity is up to 2,000,000 BTM.
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