Bytom Core:
• Fixed the format of latency in the /list-peers interface;
• Configured Homebrew installation package of Bytom;
• Fixed the bug of incorrect display of transaction and balance when deleting your account;
- Increased error_code and msg to response;
• Data management of database was modified to use gorm;
• The list-transactions API replaces the original db with gorm;
• Refactored the logic of the blockcenter API request routing and api paging so that the unification is done at the framework layer;
Full-node wallet:
• Added a test file for recovery ;
• added “error pop up” prompt to backup;
• Fixed JsonField Chinese input does not recognize the problem;
• Added a page with key & account update alias;
• Fixed the mnemonic style and the error of restoring the mnemonic ;
• Modified and test recovery of backup file, mnemonic recovery, rescan function;
Block Explorer:
• Blockmeta supported sidechain “Vapor”;
• Fixed the data accumulation error in the Blockmeta mining pool ratio redrawing and optimize the chart’s redraw performance;
Smart contract:
• Added an issue contract template that cannot be issued indefinitely;
• The equity contract’s compiler optimized the import contract function and added related contract test cases;
Side chain:
•Modified sidechain’s address ;
• Increased the process of side chain “retire assets” when turning back to the main chain;
• Organized the faucet code of test web , added the “readme” file and have it open source;