Bytom Weekly News

3 min readJun 28, 2019


Project Development

  1. Software, hardware and network requirements of Bystack Block Producer

2. In June 29th, Bytom CEO Duan Xinxing will give a speech in “Find Digital Economy” blockchain summit which is hosted by Huoxing and Jinse in Bangkok, Thailand.

3. Bytom attended MXC “vote to get listed” activity, let’s vote for Bytom to share 219,000BTM.

4. Bytom held a live show with Baihua Blockchainthis Tuesday,got more than 270,000 views during the live show.

5.Welcoming #Bytom — Telegram AMA

The CTO will join us on Friday the 28th, 2019 7 pm GMT+8 (1 pm GMT+2) for an AMA: . @Bytom_Official differs from the mass. Members of the team are largely early adopters of Bitcoin and blockchain.

6. Bystack Weekly News:

Dev Report


1. Added chainnode on the official website
2. Modified the read operation of the underlying database of wallet and account, divided it into multiple interfaces, and isolatde the database operation and business logic;


1. Explorer supports react x;
2. Explorer beta version supports node, node details, transaction details, block details;
3. Completed the migration of indexes related to blocks and others from memory to db in the consensus process;
4. Started new vapor testnet to test relevant functions;
5. Researched and tested the sidechain explorer database;
6. Developed API interface of sidechain explorer, optimized database query/insert;
7. Deployment and debugging of sidechain testnet explorer ;
8. Completed the development of single node fast sync function;
9. Added fast sync function of multi-node parallel download storage;
10. Transaction list added search paging function;
11. Added API related to sidechain account and some API related to transaction;


1. Cleaned up and streamlined core modules, monitored and displayed cross-chain transactions;
2. Added filtering of cross-chain transaction list: 1. Cross-chain direction2.Status of sidechain transaction
3. Fixed the bug of block unique hash in database;
4. Fixed bugs of asset foreign key in database;


1. Refactored blockcenter API to split reusable and non-reusable code to support sidechain wallet;

Vapor Dashboard

1. Federation presented page content, logic and style have been developed;
2. Federal determination of display has been completed;


1. Completed and published Byone2.0.0 . Supported DApp development. Mainly added functions such as authorization and signature;

Dapp demo

1. Modified the DApp demo to support byone2.0.0, For test:;


1. Early bird voting sign_msg supports the new version of bycoin, pre-authorization;




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