Bytom Weekly News

2 min readJan 3, 2020


Project Development

  1. On Dec 27th,2019, Bytom Won “The most innovative Public Blockchain of 2019” and “Blockchain Top 100 Enterprises” by Jinse.
  2. 2019 is an amazing year for Bytom. We released BBFT algorithm and side-chain Vapor, Bystack BaaS platform and MOV Cross-chain Protocol. Bytom is building a new economic mode step by step.

3. Bytom Roadmap. Bytom 2020 Roadmap. Keep MOVing! Here are three keywords of 2020:




Dev Report


1. OFMF BTC/ETH chain-service optimized, added trading filtering function;

2. OFMF optimized the UTXO management of Bytom cross Vapor;

3. OFMF completed the transformation of the Federation core-chain-service processing framework;

4. OFMF transformed the relationship between data table Chain, federation wallet and Pubkey;

5. OFMF optimized fedcli command line tool, and added PersistentFlags in the root directory;

6. OFMF modified the calling method of the signature module and made the call according to ecc;

7. OFMF BTC TSS signature process runs completely;

8. OFMF fixed TSS RPC request check logic;

9. Sorted API error code of OFMF core module;

10. MOV optimized depth cache performance;

11. MOV optimized trading accuracy of orders;

12. MOV completed the sync of asset balance display;

13. MOV completed multi-asset trading page;

14. MOV completed the transformation of list-transaction API call;


1. Blockcenter modified the q/asset interface;

2. Blockcenter modified /list-txs interface;

3. Blockcenter modifid /list-tx-proposals interface;

4. Blockcenter modified mov_market push;


1. Bytom browser fixed address timeout error;

2. Blockmeta added front-end error monitoring;

3. Blockmeta fixed API security issues;


1. Bycoin Android&IOS fixed bugs;

2. Tycoin Android&IOS test server migrated;

3. Iteration of Bycoin Android transaction list completed;




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