Project Development
- On August 21st, Bytom CTO Langyu gave a speech of “ the future of blockchain: Bystack one mainchain with multiple sidechains architecure in the POW’ER 2019 Developer Conference which hosted by Mars Media. He also introduced the latest Fereration design of Bystack and OFMF would be announced soon.
- On August 18th, “Blockchain Tech Co-Op Session 3” was held in Silicon Valley. Bytom US Representative Yi Rean introduced the consensus innovation of Bytom and the latest progress of Bytom Dev Competition 2019.
Bytom DevCon 2
Welcome to participate in Bytom DevCon 2. Here are the latest guest list and agenda. Let’s meet at SF!
Register here:
Dev Report
1. Completed the background process of asset swap based on Bytom smart contract;
1. Released voting reward and distribution status of BPs;
2. Optimized vapor explorer CPU issue and optimized DB query code;
3. Optimized vapor explorer and increased the total distribution, latest distribution and distribution time of voting reward;
1. Added the token binding interface of pushing app offline message;
2. Added app push function for offline transaction information ;
3. Added chained transaction in case of excessive UTXO number when sending the transaction;
4. Chained transactions are supported in API V2 version for normal transactions, voting, cancel voting, and cross-chain transactions;
5. Developed Blockcenter’s transaction monitoring module;
6. Developed websocket of Blockcenter;
1. Connected and tested Federation management, transaction and assets issuance;
2. Optimized Front-end component library, Card component;
3. Optimized console forms and form common components of Bystack ;
1. Completed the voting display page: added the voting query function;
2. Completed the voting function and page;
3. Completed the cancel voting function and page;
4. Completed the page for selecting BPs to cancel voting;
5. Added vuex status management related to voting page;
1. Connected and tested of federation transaction statistics;
2. Bystack account binding bycoin wallet;
3. discovery integration of consul service ;
1. Completed the Dapp test of mainchain and vapor sidechain;
2. Integrated the frontend and backend of the red packet DApp;