(October 3rd Week)
1、Bytom Was Listed on HitBTC
On 16th, Oct., Bytom was listed on HitcBTC, which can be traded through BTM/BTC, BTM/ETH, BTM/ETH, BTM/USDT pairs.
2、Bytom Officially Released “BYTOM USER DATA” Both in English and Chinese Version
Bytom officially released “BYTOM USER DATA” both in English and Chinese version this week which shows Bytom users cover around 20 countries all over the world. According to the data analysis, tech-geek post-80s or 90s generation who have more spare time and strong sense of security, become the hard core of Bytom users.
3、BTM Sharing Session
On 29th Oct., Chengcheng Zhang, a member of Bytom Team, held a sharing meeting with the topic “ Demystify the Cryptography of Blockchain”. Within the meeting, he analyzed the Asymmetric Encryption, Hash Algorithm, Merkle Tree, Public-Key Cryptography and made a demo of encryption and decryption.
4、The Construction of Bytom Oversea Community Is in Full Swing
The construction of Bytom oversea community is in full swing. PV of social media like twitter has been increasing gradually and oversea community like Reddit has aroused great attention.
5、Overseas Visits and Public Relations Communication of Bytom
Bytom team will start visiting foreign countries like US, Japan to investigate some leading-edge projects and have further communication to explore orientation of industrial development.