Bytom DevCon 2
Project Development
- Coldlar App wallet and Coldlar cloud wallet have supported the deposit and withdrawal of Bytom, Coldlar hardware wallet will support Bytom mainnet soon. In the future, Bytom will have deeper cooperation in payment, staking and Dapp with Coldlar wallet.
- Bytom US Representative Yi Ren will give a speech in Blockchain Tech Co-Op Session 3.
3. The most influential blockchain career fair!Come to Bytom Devcon in SF on August 24th and submit your resume!
4. Bytom was listed on Hotbit exchange. BTM/BTC, BTM/ETH, BTM/USDT trading pairs are open.
Dev Report
1. Fixed forbidden node failure, rollback problem, orphan block problem;
2. Designed notification function;
1. Sidechain node status monitoring node handshake and node status acquisition;
2. Completed TXVM research and document arrangement;
3. Red packet DAPP added support to Vapor sidechain;
4. Created the API implementation of transaction and query tx_proposal;
5. Ability to poll the transaction on-chain status;
6. API implementation of issue assets;
1. Optimized vapor explorer details, added Standby BP rewards in node details, and reconstruction of asset display components;
2. Vapor explorer fixed the bug of canceling voting;
3. Vapor explorer statistics the amount and time and other information issued by BP to voting nodes, calculated the actual 7-day expected return and provided API;
1. Optimized the management query service of federation address ;
2. Build-transaction API supports issuing assets;
1. Added core logic to create assets;
2. Optimized front-end component library, BasicLayout component and routing component;
3. Bystack console authority routing, page structure design, unified eslint rules;
1. Completed cross-chain transfer page (vapor->bytom, bytom->vapor);
2. Completed the display page of some nodes;