Weekly News
Project Development
- March 1st, Bytom team held the “Bytom World Tour” in 2019 in UCI and Director of US market, Yi Ren introduced the characters, design principles and technical architecture as well as “Bytom Development Challenge” to college students. In addition, Bytom has launched recruitment with American enterprises, welcome to join us!
2. March 2nd, Bytom went to UC Irvine for Bytom World Tour second station and then UCSD for the third. Bytom team introduced the development challenge and how to develop based on Bytom.
3. March 3rd, Chief Architect of Bytom James attended the first Bytom technical salon “Bytom Talk” and shared his point about hard fork: “Behind the fork upgrade of Blockchain is the evolution of community consensus”.
4. March 6th, Bytom World Tour 4th station was held in Silicon Valley and Bytom team introduced Bytom project and recruitment to attendees. Bytom will keep opening up the market of North America.
Dev Report
Wallet V1.0.8
1. Added subscription function for mining blocks to subscribe to other modules conveniently;
2. Node discovery module added persistent storage function of node to realize faster node discovery;
3. Support to obtain the seed node from DNS seed server;
4. Fixed the duplicate key error that the restored wallet will import;
5. Refactored p2p code and added tests to make the code structure clearer;
6. Persisted the node ID to prevent the node from using different ids every time it is started;
7. Fixed the broadcasting error of orphan blocks and prevent them from being maliciously broadcast;
8. Filtering function for dust transaction was added to the transaction pool to prevent dust transaction
9. Get-raw-block API added function to return transaction status;
10. Added strict block header validation logic to prevent invalid block header versions;
11. Limited the maximum number of orphan blocks to prevent memory attacks that generate a large number of orphan blocks;
12. Upgraded the WebSocket subscription function, which will return the subscriber’s original transaction and status_fail field when an unverified transaction arrives;
13. Optimized UTXO management logic for block rollback;
Bytom core
1. Updated the Homebrew v1.0.8 installation package of Bytom;
2. Completed the API of spend output id and input id for the generated transaction;
3. Added tests of non-standard transactions, every entry calculation id on bc layer;
1. CMS supports the limit of transaction volume and number of confirmations;
2. During the transaction construction, added the configuration of back-end which limits confirmation and transaction volume
3. Refactored the API integration test framework, started the API service locally, and each test launched a real HTTP request, making the test data closer to the real environment;
1. Dapp-demo optimized the concurrent locking function of the buffer server, and sets the appropriate buffer time for submitting the transaction to generate unconfirmed utxo;
2. Dapp-demo connected with DAPP front-end to test multiple concurrent scenes;
3. Prepared documents for DAPP developers and case descriptions for dapp-demo;
4. Front-end reconnected with back-end to test multiple concurrent scenarios;
1. Added “Layout” component of Grandline;
2. Submit Transaction and Decode Raw Transaction support was added in bytom kit;
1. Optimized the Dpos+ BFT consensus mechanism of side chain: Dpos voting interface, vote settlement, and increased BFT consensus;