Integrating Intelligence: DApp 2.0 Interwoven with LLM, Dancing Together in the AI Era

5 min read4 days ago



1.1 Deficiencies of Traditional DApps

Traditional decentralized applications (DApps) operate on decentralized networks such as blockchain and are executed via smart contracts. However, these applications have revealed several significant shortcomings in actual operation.

Firstly, traditional DApps have high operational costs and limited scalability. Storing data on the blockchain is usually expensive, especially for data-intensive DApps where storage fees constitute a considerable operational cost. Additionally, every transaction requires a gas fee, which can accumulate over time, affecting the economic feasibility of DApps that involve frequent transactions.

Secondly, traditional DApps are not user-friendly for the average person. Compared to centralized applications, using DApps requires users to have a certain level of Web3 knowledge, increasing the usage barrier. Furthermore, the user interface of DApps is often rudimentary, reducing the overall user experience.

1.2 DApp 2.0

DAgent, proposed by BytomDAO, represents DApp 2.0 and leverages large language model (LLM) technology to address the challenges faced by traditional decentralized applications (DApps). While DApps typically run on blockchain networks and use smart contracts to automate code execution, they face limitations such as scalability issues, high user experience barriers, expensive data storage costs, and transaction fees.

D-Agent signifies the next generation of DApps, not just as a technological innovation but as a leap in design philosophy and user interaction. By integrating large language model (LLM) technology with the advantages of blockchain, D-Agent achieves several key breakthroughs in technological implementation and functional application:

Innovative Interaction Model: Users complete tasks through natural language conversation, reducing the usage barrier and allowing non-specialists to easily participate, thereby greatly expanding the audience for decentralized applications. Cost Optimization: Model execution is handled off-chain, converting the high gas fees of on-chain operations into relatively economical GPU runtime costs. Meanwhile, crucial data is stored on-chain in vector form, ensuring data verifiability and trustworthiness. Efficient Information Processing: Real-time integration of off-chain data and customizable plugins enhance the application’s information processing capabilities, enabling D-Agent to adapt to a broader range of application scenarios and complex needs. Smart Application Proliferation: The Chain-of-Thought method reduces development difficulty, promoting the rapid development and deployment of various intelligent applications and fostering the diversification of the Web3 ecosystem. As a result, thanks to BytomDAO’s vision and the accompanying services and DAgent suite, AI-based DApps will become increasingly personalized in the future, potentially serving individual users exclusively.

On one hand, D-Agent significantly simplifies the DApp development process using AI technology. In the future, leveraging natural language processing technology, users can describe their needs using simple natural language instructions, and the AI system will automatically generate corresponding code based on these instructions, creating personalized DApps. This greatly improves development efficiency, allowing more users to participate in the creation and use of DApps. BytomDAO will support D-Agent’s further development by providing ample resources, including technical support, funding, and networking opportunities, helping users overcome various challenges during development and promoting innovative projects.

On the other hand, D-Agent utilizes AI technology to provide highly customized services for users. For instance, users can create a DApp specifically designed for themselves using AI, whether it’s managing personal assets, handling daily tasks, or performing professional business operations. The AI can adjust and optimize the DApp’s functions in real time based on the user’s personalized needs. This personalized DApp service will revolutionize the existing application model, allowing every user to enjoy tailored intelligent services.

BytomDAO, as a comprehensive AI service provider, brings an innovative service model that grants individuals greater creative freedom and capability, enabling every user to easily create and use personalized DApps according to their needs.

In summary, D-Agent is not just a technological innovation but a crucial component of BytomDAO’s strategic layout and vision. By empowering DApp upgrades with AGI, it grants development capabilities to individuals, lowers the DApp development threshold, drives innovation, and enhances the ecosystem value of BTM. As D-Agent technology continues to develop and be applied, BytomDAO will expand its influence in the AI and Web3 fields, building a more prosperous, open, and innovative digital ecosystem.


2.1 Shortcomings of GPT and Other LLMs

Despite the impressive performance of large language models (LLMs) like ChatGPT in natural language processing tasks, they still face limitations when handling data in the cryptocurrency industry. This sector involves numerous technical terms, a complex knowledge system, and scarce and incomplete data, making it challenging for LLMs to process such information effectively.

2.2 The CryptoGPT Solution

To address this issue, BytomDAO introduced CryptoGPT, based on the D-Agent concept and designed specifically for the cryptocurrency industry. CryptoGPT is an LLM developed under the DAgent paradigm and can be understood as a special-purpose DAgent developed by BytomDAO. CryptoGPT is created by fine-tuning the base model Llama3 with the CryptoInstruct dataset, which includes 3 million instruction datasets. By constructing atomic tasks (Chain-of-Task tasks) related to basic data types in the cryptocurrency industry, it expands the data scale and task diversity. It has the following characteristics:

High Generalization and Versatility: CryptoGPT achieves deep semantic understanding through symmetric task chain learning, demonstrating excellent zero-shot generalization capabilities. It can perform effective reasoning and generation across datasets and tasks, surpassing traditional language models in the cryptocurrency domain. Based on Open Data Sources and Historical Information: CryptoGPT’s training data is sourced from public data and historical information obtained through web crawling, covering the entire development history of the cryptocurrency industry from the inception of Bitcoin to 2024. This enables CryptoGPT to provide comprehensive and in-depth industry insights and information support. Designed for Cryptocurrency and Blockchain: CryptoGPT focuses on processing text and language data related to cryptocurrency and blockchain. Through in-depth learning and training on data in this field, CryptoGPT can understand and generate key content involving project information, industry knowledge, and more, providing deep industry insights. Personalized Application Scenarios: In the future, combined with BytomDAO’s personalized development capabilities, Web3 users (such as project teams with specific needs) can customize and extend CryptoGPT’s functions according to their requirements, making it better suited to specific usage scenarios and business needs. CryptoGPT is not just a tool; it is a strategic instrument within the BytomDAO ecosystem, embodying a decentralized, AI-enhanced future vision. Essentially, CryptoGPT showcases the combination of AI capabilities and decentralized governance principles, illustrating how BytomDAO leverages advanced technology to redefine organizational structure and operational paradigms. It is a testament to AI’s potential in reshaping collaboration models and enhancing collective intelligence, paving the way for a new era of decentralized, intelligent decision-making and innovation.


The advent of DApp 2.0 brings practical solutions to the limitations of traditional DApps, enhancing user experience and application scalability. In the context of the AGI era, BytomDAO has introduced CryptoGPT to address the limitations of traditional LLMs.

The creation of D-Agent and CryptoGPT marks a revolutionary shift in the cryptocurrency industry, paving the way for an intelligent, scalable, and user-friendly crypto world. Let’s work together to usher in a new era of cryptographic technology and broaden the horizons for the future of the digital economy. BytomDAO will continue to lead this convergence trend, contributing to the prosperity and development of the digital economy, injecting new vitality.

As a service platform, BytomDAO provides not only tools like CryptoGPT and DAgent-related suites but also the infrastructure, governance, and support necessary for developers and innovators to thrive. Its focus on non-profit-driven growth and enhancing the foundational value of BTM reflects a commitment to fostering a sustainable and equitable Web3 environment.

