Minority Report #3

2 min readJan 8, 2019


With the aim of attracting blockchain technology talents and expanding Bytom’s ecosystem, Bytom blockchain is launching a bounty program. There are 10 bounty tasks and the reward for each task ranges from 1000 to 50000 BTM tokens.

How to participate in the bounty?

1. Claim one task or more. Send the task you want to claim and your resume to reny@bytom.io

2. Finish the task. Send your work to reny@bytom.io

3. Bytom team will send you the reward after review

Bounty Tasks

Collecting BMIP(Bytom Improvement Proposals)

1.Make a new BMIP, please refer to https://github.com/Bytom/bmips/blob/master/bmip-001.mediawiki

2.Follow and promote this BMIP (either realize the BMIP on your own or attract others to realize it)

20000 BTM+

Multilingual SDK: PHP, Ruby, Kotlin, C++

1.Encapsulate all APIs of full nodes in a certain language version and test it. (please refer to https://github.com/Bytom/bytom/wiki/API-Reference )

2.Support off-line signature

3.Communicate with nodes

4.Provide three iterations (more iterations are wanted and will be paid seperately)

5.Write a detailed instruction file

10000 BTM+

Mobil SDK:iOS(Swift)

1.Have private key related functions

2.Have account related functions

3.Support copy and recovery

4.Support off-line signature

5. Provide three iterations (more iterations are wanted and will be paid seperately)

6.Write a detailed instruction file

10000 BTM+

Distributed identity system on Bytom

1.Users keep the private key and are entitled to the control right of their ID

2.Compatible with W3C DID internatioanl standard

3.Support muitiple private keys and multiple algorithm

4.Lost identity can be recovered

20000 BTM+

Bytom core code review

code address: https://github.com/Bytom/bytom

1.Propose issues

2.Pull request

1000 BTM — 10000 BTM+

Chrome-extension wallet code review

code address: https://github.com/Bytom-Community/Bytom-Chrome-Extension

1.Propose issues

2. Pull request

1000 BTM — 10000 BTM+

Bytom technology tutoring video

1.Make a tutoring video about Bytom’s technology, showcasing Bytom’s codes or how to develop Dapps on Bytom

4000 BTM+ / 20 minutes

General-purpose languages supporting the development of Equity contract

1. Support the development of Equity contract using general-purpose languages such as JavaScript and Python

30000 BTM+

Online Smart Contract IDE

1.Support the compilation, testing and debug of web-based online Equity contract

2.Similar to remix

30000 BTM+

Dapp Development

1.Develop Dapps on Bytom blockchain

5000–50000 BTM




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